Editorial Complaints Policy

At My Uncles CBD Shop, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalism and providing accurate, reliable, and fair content to our readers. We value feedback from our audience and take complaints regarding our editorial content seriously. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines the process for submitting complaints and how we address them.

1.Complaint Submission:

1.1 Eligibility: Complaints may be submitted by individuals who have a genuine and direct interest in the subject matter of the complaint and who have been personally affected by the content.

1.2 Complaint Channels: Complaints can be submitted through the following channels:

2.Complaint Handling Process:

2.1 Receipt of Complaint: Once we receive a complaint, we will acknowledge the receipt within [timeframe] and provide you with an expected timeline for addressing the complaint.

2.2 Assessment: Our editorial team will thoroughly review the complaint, including the relevant content, to assess its validity and determine if it falls within the scope of our Editorial Complaints Policy.

2.3 Investigation: If the complaint is deemed valid and falls within our policy, we will conduct an investigation, which may involve contacting relevant parties, reviewing supporting evidence, and assessing the accuracy and fairness of the content in question.

2.4 Resolution: Based on the findings of the investigation, we will take appropriate action to address the complaint. This may include issuing corrections, clarifications, or retractions, as necessary, and making any adjustments to prevent similar issues in the future.

2.5 Communication: We will communicate the outcome of the investigation and any actions taken to the complainant in a timely manner. If additional clarification or information is needed, we may reach out to the complainant for further dialogue.


We aim to address complaints promptly and within a reasonable timeframe. The specific timeframe for resolving each complaint will depend on the complexity and nature of the issue. We will make every effort to provide updates to the complainant during the process.


We respect the privacy of complainants and handle all complaints with utmost confidentiality. However, in certain cases, we may need to disclose relevant information to relevant parties for the purpose of investigation and resolution.


If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome or handling of their complaint, they may request a review of the decision. The request for an appeal should be submitted in writing and will be reviewed by a designated authority within our organization. The decision of the appeals process will be final.

6.External Mediation:

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the internal process, they may consider seeking external mediation or submitting a complaint to relevant industry bodies or regulatory authorities.

We are committed to maintaining transparency and accountability in our editorial practices. We continually strive to improve our content and address any concerns raised by our readers. Your feedback plays a crucial role in helping us uphold our commitment to quality journalism and responsible reporting.


The Editorial Team

My Uncles CBD Shop Online Magazine